Wow!I think it's pretty hard to draw/come up with a new suit for any hero.It's like few weeks i've been trying to come up with some alternate costume as well - i was imaginating some sort of Grimm Reaper innspired suit and the other i was trying to make was supposed to show more of the spider - design his mask with more spider elements ( spider baits,more complex eyes ,etc.) but i have failed miserably.What i really admire on your art is how you have implemented the spider logo on his chest and back because i think that is the hardest part.Also thumbs up for "normal" or rather athletic body shape of Spidey - i think that it's really stupid to draw too much muscular spidey.I hope you'll use this in a comic or perhaps send it to Marvel ( yeah i know it sounds kinda crazy) but this suit really should be included in the Spider-Man universe (at least someone could draw comic and include it).I wish you best of luck and keep drawing .